These are the places and spaces in which I grew up and where my parents spent the bulk of their lives. Even if I wanted to, I could not escape Plumtree’s influence on my past and present. Our direct connections began during Federation, continued all the way through to Zimbabwe’s 2008 economic meltdown, when Harold and Felix followed their children out of the country. And still one thinks of the town, the bush and school places and spaces – head spaces largely now, but no less important for that.

If you are interested in my musings or some word or real pictures of Plumtree life on this site, Search for ‘Plumtree’ and you may find something of interest.

Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Plumtree School Chapel
Plumtree School chapel

January 2021: The burning down of the school’s Beit Hall last year has triggered some memories. They can be found in the Plumtree category.